Apple Warns Developers that iTunes Connect will be Closed for the Holidays

Apple Warns Developers that iTunes Connect will be Closed for the Holidays 1

In an email sent to developers, Apple has today confirmed the closing of the annual service iTunes Connect , the platform used to manage applications to be published in the App Store.

MacStories   reports that Apple has sent email alerts to warn developers that iTunes Connect will not be available from December 21 until December 28 of this year. During this time access to the service and sending new applications will not be available.

In addition, users are cautioned that in that period there will be no delay in the publication of applications and applying any price changes. The service In-App Purchase will not be available until the end of the holiday period.

Also last year, Apple decided to close down iTunes Connect for a period that was 22 to 29 December.


Posted by on November 9, 2012. Filed under Apple, News, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.