Apple Introduced the iBooks 2, iBooks Author and iTunes U

Apple Introduced the iBooks 2, iBooks Author and iTunes U

To iPad is undoubtedly the most popular tablet that has been integrated in many commercial and non-sectors. Is the number one choice for students with more than 1.5 million devices in the area, with numerous educational applications specially designed for the larger screen. Thanks to iBookstore the range of options is extended significantly.

The Apple goes even further, however, showing two ways to improve the current situation.

First, we iBooks 2, a completely new experience for science textbooks in iPad is changing the way in which the student interacts with the content. The new version allows the installation of video, multi-touch gestures and 3D models in textbooks and in portrait mode maintains the classic style of reading text.There is also the possibility to take notes and you highlight the text. Really impressive.

The new section of the textbooks available at the iTunes Store , although it seems empty so far. Also required, and the new iBooks available for free on App Store [ Link ] and the textbooks will be available at a price of $ 14.99. See the video here .

You can get a first glimpse of the kind of textbooks with a new book released and free ‘ Life on Earth‘(size 965MV)

Along with iBooks 2, however, Apple presents the Author iBooks , a new application for Mac which you can create these textbooks and it’s like combining the Keynote in Pages. The application looks very interesting and easy to use templates and support including drag & drop all the details. The best? Is available free on the Mac App Store [ Link ].

Finally, Apple introduced the upgraded version of iTunes U, the largest online store for free educational content. The upgrade comes in the form of a new application for the iPad to help teachers in handling and organizing lectures. To iTunes U is available free on the App Store [ Link ].

Apple Introduced the iBooks 2, iBooks Author and iTunes U


Posted by on January 20, 2012. Filed under Apple, News, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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