How to Run Author iBooks Perfectly with Snow Leopard

How to run Author iBooks Perfectly with Snow Leopard

Apple decided to limit the use of the application to Lion Author iBooks. Here’s a way to install Snow Leopard. This proves that the restriction is artificial.

Following the release of new software from Apple iBooks Author, some users have seen frustrated not being able to install it in Snow Leopard

Yet it is well to do and the software is fully functional. 

First , locate the document  SystemVersion.plist  located in / System / Library / CoreServices 
Make a copy on the desktop and also make a backup copy. 

Open the document copied to the desktop in a text editor and change the two lines 10.6.8 in 10.7.2. Replace the document in the system by the amended document on the desktop and restart 

Download Author iBooks in the App Store. 

Replace the document  SystemVersion.plist  copied to the system with the backup document remains on standby to keep the same name of course . 

Now locate iBooks installed in the / Applications folder. 

Right click to display the contents of the application and locate the document  Info.plist.  Open the document  Info.plist  in a text editor and look for the line LSMinimumSystemVersion 10.7.2 and 10.6.8 replace LSMinimumSystemVersion.

Save, that’s over Author iBooks run perfectly with Snow Leopard.

[UPDATE]  Hack tested successfully, the important thing is to quit the AppStore first before changing the plist file. Remember to submit the original or you have any problems with future updates of software.


Posted by on January 19, 2012. Filed under Apple, Articles, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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