10 Tips to Improve your Facebook Page


We show how to improve your Facebook page through a series of simple tips to implement to increase reach and engagement. From the definition of the target audience or to the development of a communication strategy and content, will help whether you’re a beginner or already take several years in the business of social networks.

Some years ago, in the business of Social Media Marketing one of the justifications that had to wield more to convince a customer was the need to have a page or brand fanpage on Facebook. But fortunately, today many brands already have their shoulders the Facebook experience, which does not mean they are taking full advantage of the possibilities offered by this platform. It can also happen to have a strategy that is working minimally good, what makes it not feel like exploring a new direction. All these things can be detrimental to long-term brand presence on Facebook. So today we will give some tips to improve your Facebook page.

1. Work with realistic goals

Most important of all being, always realistic . Understand that the overnight not have an incredible amount of followers but because we created a fanpage on Facebook. Understand that if we do acampaign of Sponsored Stories Facebook Ads or without having a certain knowledge, it may be a waste of money. The best way to be realistic in this business is setting goals that are also based in reality, at least in terms of number of fans, engagement, and more. And realism also has to expand while we within the platform.

2. Decide who your audience

If you do not know who you’re talking about, we have a major problem in our communication. Our communication strategy can not be based on the needs of the brand to 100 percent, also has to have aspecific target to which we will be addressing. Of course, there will surely be a number of people that do not fall within that target, but that does not mean we always have to bear in head to our ideal user, that we want to identify and with which we interact daily through the voice of the brand.

3. Create inappropriate contentfacebook-2

I think you can not repeat enough the importance of content in improving your Facebook page. Content is what differentiates us from others, therefore, must be original, creative, and make a voice in what we are saying. People know that there is someone behind the voice of the brand, and this is an excellent opportunity to “humanize” a company. After defining the tone you want to use our content should be aligned with the communication strategy and, of course, that it needs at that time.

4. Pet versatility

One of the things that defines Social Networking is the versatility . We change, our consumers and users change, and most importantly, the platform is constantly changing. Since minimal changes to very important developments for design, it is important to be always on top of every little change to adapt to the new situation in which we live, and take it as an opportunity granted by the versatility.

5. Understand your numbers

Having a communication strategy accompanied by interesting content is very good, but it will be in vain if we can not understand how this strategy is working. If we bet on a Facebook page we have tounderstand our audience and try to elucidate its behavior. The best way is to understand the statistics we have available for free through Facebook Insights , where we can find out, among other things, what is the best time to post, what type of content is best received, and more.

6. Improve your reach

If we understand the numbers, we can finally reach a much wider audience . The reach of Facebook, which we mentioned in other opportunities , depends on what kind of publications do, how we can get these publications share organically (ie without buying prints), and how we can vary the content to have a place preferentially in the Timeline of our fans. Containing varied type (pictures, videos, status updates) we will be in a good starting position for a good scope.

7. Do not close on Social Networks

I think, ironically, a good strategy in social networks should not be closed but in Social Media should be framed in a much wider digital strategy , including other platforms and how the brand can live on the network, not only on Facebook. This does not mean that, for example, should have the same strategy on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest, but we should consider other alternatives to meet time constraints Facebook.

8. Supplement your team

After dedicating much time to the contents of a page, you run the risk of generating monotonous and boring content. This does not mean you’re bad at your job, it is a signal to take a breather and inject some new blood. To avoid the problem, we can also invite collaborators (anonymous or known) to administer a fanpage in a kind of takeover that will serve to give a twist to everyday communication.

9. Do not be monotonous

Speaking of monotony, discussed in the previous paragraph and in the range how important it is not repeated. The monotonous content is a problem because if we are always talking about it, not only will we be penalized by the algorithm of the platform but also our fans will be bored which, remember, may cease to be at any time. Regardless of the emphasis that we give to a particular communication, it is important to have a varied content .

10. Establishes appropriate channels

Finally, in order to improve your Facebook page you have to establish what will be appropriate channels for each of the things you want to communicate. This will depend heavily on the strategy you want to have. Your sales channel, your channel customer service can be embedded within Facebook or be in a completely different place, but it is important that you have planned, and not go to work on the go. Nothing is written in stone and can be changed, but it is important to be willing to plan.


Posted by on January 26, 2014. Filed under Articles, Technology, Web. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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