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The Witch,World’s Oldest Computer Born Again

WITCH , the computer considered the world’s oldest, has come back to life after a long work of a team of computer scientists at the National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park. The computer has been restored and launched with the oldest program storage and

Snow White and The Huntsman Vs Mirror Mirror [Trailers]

In March 2012 lovers of fairy tales and unusual stories will be something unique to see.  Kristen Stewart and  Lily Collins both will be seen as Snow White in next year. The fact is that next spring we are  waiting for several interesting movies, two of which are known screen adaptations of tales of Snow White and the […]

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“American Horror Story” The Most Horror Show Ever

“American Horror Story” is the show witch claims to be one of the genuinely  TV shows that can make you  jump out of  your seat by fear.It will be most  weirdest, creepiest and frightening TV show we have ever seen.  “American Horror Story” which come From the minds of Ryan Murphy  and his  co-creator Brad Falchuk,has been stamped with […]

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Harry Potter Star Emma Watson Cried Uncontrollably.

The popular film star Emma Watson “cried” uncontrollably when completed the last  ‘Harry Potter’ film. The actress – who was simply ten when she initial played Hermione Granger within the wizard franchise – could not management her emotions when she had to hold up her Hogwarts outfit for the last time when shooting on ‘Harry […]

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