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How do astronauts vote from space in USA election ?

Astronauts, like any other citizen are entitled to vote. The United States has charged that to exercise their rights even if they are hundreds of kilometers into the sky. Just a few weeks away to the day of elections in the US and tempers are already running high . Beyond political issues, the modern world poses some the less curious questions. For […]

New Engine for Travel in Time at 5 x Speed of Sound

One step closer to citizens traveling in space brings a UK company who designed an engine that could be used in vessels that can reach up space. Indeed, the European Space Agency is satisfied the tests required for engine development called Sabre. 

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10 NASA Inventions, Surely use Every Day and Did not Know – Part 1

On July 29, 1958, President Eisenhower signed the Founding Act of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration , the NASA (acronym for National Aeronautics and Space Administration ), which did not begin to run until October of that year with four laboratories and about 8000 employees. From the beginning, the purpose of the new branch was beyond space ships and moon […]

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Google will Guide us to the 100,000 Stars at Google Chrome

It seems that Google has set goal other than Earth to map space, even in a more artistic and less accurate performance. The laboratories of the company developed a new pilot project called “100,000 Star” which is dedicated to space Using images and data from NASA and the European Space Agency and other sources. With the support […]

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Spot the Station: See the International Space Station from Home

A new service of NASA who hears the name Spot the Station notifies us when the International Space Station (ISS), the third brightest object in the sky after the Sun and the Moon passes over our house. 

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What is Going to Fly into Space in a Few Years? (Photos)

Concepts of private spaceships for orbital trips. Since the beginning of the space age, many people have a dream to fly into space, experience weightlessness and see firsthand that the Earth really looks like a beautiful blue and the ball. But until recently, this feature was available only to the elite. Virgin Galactic is the first […]

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