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Google I/O 2013 is Confirmed on May 15-17

Yes, itā€™s solely December, and no, itā€™s ne’er too early to start out puzzling over following Google I/O. Grab your permanent markers and X off might 15-17 on your calenders. Wait a minuteā€¦ what am I talking regarding, nobody uses paper calendars any longer. Okay, mark your Google calenders, set your reminders, follow the hashtag […]

NASA : John Grunsfeld Brief Media Regarding “New Mars Program”

Today, we Inform you thatĀ Curiosity, Mars Rover Analyzed First Soil SampleĀ and tell you the Story. Now ? It Looks that NASA Close this Project with aftyer above Findings, Because NASA’s associate administrator for science, cosmonaut John Grunsfeld, on Current Day proclaimed plans for a Newly Designed Multi-Years Mars program, together with a brand new robotic […]

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Acquisition of Mashable by CNN for $ 200 Million (;)

According to a report of Reuters and CNN are going to buy the popular social media website Mashable for the amount of $ 200 million. According to the CNN story tomorrow will announce the acquisition, which if completed will mean a great success for Pete Cashmore, who founded the site in July 2005 and managed […]

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Kinetik Develops iPhone Applications Based on Social Elemets

According to foreign media reports, Apple’s App Store , now has nearly 50 million applications, but user buy the application process is the lack of “Easy to shared” social elements. San Francisco based start up company Kinetik hope to solve this problem. It today launched a “application sharing” application, it can be your friends and […]

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