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The Dirtiest Things we Use Every Day

1. Money Everyone likes money, but nobody loves the pathogen from the money brought. Through each hand, carrying little more money, whether beneficial or harmful bacteria. Dr. Darlington Director of the New York Department of Health take any $ 2 sheets soaked in boiling water and then washing and enumeration of bacteria in water. One sheet contains 135,000 bacteria […]

Six Most Polluted Places in Your Office?

The company producing detergents, conducted a study to identify places in the office, which are most dangerous to people. As a result, experts have named six of the most dirty surfaces.They conducted an examination on the content of the molecules of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in various locations. 

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Prehistoric Bacteria Against Antibiotics 1-0

Can we all believe that pathogens have evolved to deal with antibiotics but a recent study puts this view into question. Researchers isolated bacteria were identified in the Lechuguilla Cave in New Mexico and then examined their resistance to antibiotics. Since bacteria were isolated for more than four million years, everyone was sure they would have no […]

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Brad Pitt Shared the Secret of His Youth

Brad Pitt is the most handsome man in the world,According to many beauty and fashion magazines. He was born December 18, 1963 in the beautiful city of Shawnee, USA, and so he was soon banging 50. How did he manage to maintain such good shape? The idol of millions told me that after meeting with Angelina Jolie, he […]

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