First Transplant of Photoreceptor to Restore Vision in Mice

Transplant of PhotoreceptorIt has been through the project carried out by scientists funded by the Medical Research Council and its consequences form the basis of a new treatment to restore vision in people with degenerative eye diseases . Scientists have shown for the first time that transplantation of light-sensitive photoreceptors (nerve cells that line the back of the eye) in mice with impaired vision could restore his vision.

To this end the researchers injected healthy mice cells and young people directly in the retinas of adult mice lacking functional rod photoreceptors. The reason is that the loss of photoreceptors is the cause of blindness in many human eye diseases such as age-related degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa or diabetes-related blindness.

After a period of 4 to 6 weeks, the researchers found that the transplanted cells functioned in the same way as normal rod photoreceptors and had made the necessary connections to transmit visual information to the brain.

Not only that, the scientists also tested the vision of the treated mice in a maze in low light.Mice with newly transplanted cells were able to use a visual cue to quickly find a hidden platform in the maze. In contrast, untreated mice were also able to find the hidden platform but in this case by chance after extensive exploration of the maze.

So I had Professor Robin Ali, director of research:

We first demonstrated that transplanted photoreceptor cells can be successfully integrated into the existing retinal circuitry and actually improve vision. We hope that soon we will be able to replicate this success with the photoreceptors derived from embryonic stem cells and eventually in the development of human trials.

Although there are many steps before this approach is available to patients, could lead to treatments for thousands of people who have lost their sight through degenerative eye disorders. The results also pave the way for techniques to repair the central nervous system showing the amazing ability of the brain to connect with newly transplanted neurons

An amazing result which indicates that transplanted photoreceptor cells can be successfully integrated into the circuitry of the retina and improve vision. The dream of regaining  sight in humans may have found a possible solution.


Posted by on April 19, 2012. Filed under Health, Life Style, News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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