Heart Part: A Romantic Tool to Share Love on Valentine’s Day (Video)

Heart Part: A Romantic Tool to Share Love on Valentine's DayIf you do not have enough money for an elegant romantic dinner or consider more the fact offer your partner a picnic to celebrate love, this product can be a nice touch to serve.It is a very romantic tool to share love on Valentine’s Day.

A romantic gesture, practical and environmentally friendly. This is  Heart Part , a tool with three in a heart shape. A plastic heart is divided into two resulting in a fork / knife / spoon . Yes, all in this little product.

Thus, the manufacturers explain that an item is 100% biodegradable and 200% reusable, available in a pack of 10 at a price of around of 6.77 euros to change and variety of beautiful colors such as pink, green or blue, among others.


More Info | Oh Gizmo!
Official Site | iHeart


Posted by on February 11, 2012. Filed under Articles, Life Style, Relations. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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