Amazing Way of Chinese Student to Express Love for His Girlfriend

Young used a laptop and $ 230 to create the tablet. He Decorated ‘iPad home’  with jewelry stones for his  Girlfriend to express love.

Amazing Way of Chinese Student to Express Love for His Girlfriend

It took a notebook second hand 500 yuan (U.S. $ 140) and manual skill to the young Wei Xinlong build an “iPad home” as a gift for his girlfriend, reported on Wednesday (23) the local press . According to the newspaper official ” China Daily “, university student from the north took ten days and 800 yuan (U.S. $ 230) to build a replica of the iPad, capable of displaying text, movies, and download files by touching the touch screen, as any other tablet.Despite the replica will not be as thin as the original device, Wei did not forget to decorate it with the apple symbol of Apple , a company that manufactures the iPad true. 

The young man and his girlfriend, Sun Shasha, Northeastern University studying in Changchun city, near the border with North Korea. Both families belong to the humble field. Wei acknowledges that it had enough money to buy a tablet to his girlfriend.Therefore, we tried the Internet videos showing how to build a machine and decided to put the instructions into practice.

 “It’s the best gift I ever received. I’ll keep it forever, “said Sun, who also gave his personal touch to the” iPad home “decorating it with jewelry stones.


Posted by on November 23, 2011. Filed under Life Style, News, Relations. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.