Team Foundation Service is Made Public and is Free

Team Foundation Service is Made Public and is Free 1

A few months ago we were able to access the service version Preview Team Foundation Service in the Microsoft cloud. This application provides the full power of code repository and versioning of his brother on-premise, the life cycle management of projects, and even a continuous integration system.

Free for 5 users

Team Foundation Service is Made Public and is Free 2

Today, on the second day of the event development BUILD , in Redmond, Microsoft has released the final version ( RTM ) of the service giving us a joy to all who use it on a daily basis: the version up to 5 users is and will remain free .

This does not mean that Microsoft warns that later some of the services, from a yet unspecified use,may have usage charges , for example, the continuous integration service or execution of test plans from Test Manager .

Another novelty is that it changes the current domain accounts. Right now the url to access our repository was., Now actualizing in the final version .

Track | / / BUILD / 2012
More information | Team Foundtion Web Service


Posted by on October 31, 2012. Filed under IT, News, Software. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.