Firefox 13 Revealed Many Significant Enhancements

Firefox 13 Revealed Many Significant Enhancements

Not long after his official Firefox 10 was released, Mozilla has continued to release new test version of Firefox 13.

Although only a test version, but Firefox 13 will achieve impressive speed and stable operation during use.

With the latest version of Firefox 13, when opening a new tab in your browser, the list of sites you regularly visit are listed as thumbnails, from which users can click on each image to quick access to the site.

You can use your mouse to drag and drop to move the thumbnails to arrange the site so that the most suitable and convenient for the user. In the event of a site deleted from the list, simply click the X icon at the top right thumbnail, immediately, a new web page will be replaced on the site was cleared.

This is a feature which has been quite some time to appear on Google’s Chrome web browser, but now appear on the new Firefox, but Mozilla has created a good impression for his new feature.

In particular, Firefox 13 is also equipped with additional features Apps, allowing the installation and use of online applications on Firefox, the same as installing and using applications for the Android platform.


Posted by on February 7, 2012. Filed under Articles, IT, Software. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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