Apple is Preparing the New Line of MacBook Air

Apple is Preparing the New Line of MacBook AirIt was learned that Apple is preparing a new line of MacBook Air, which in addition to the standard11.6 and 13.3 inch models , will be a new, 15-inch version.

The emergence of new products scheduled for March 2012, now run their pilot production.

In addition, it is reported that the current lineup of ultra-thin MacBook will soon be given a discount to withstand price competition with Intel ultrabukami . This is indirectly confirmed by the fact that during the last “Black Friday” on the MacBook Air has been made ??by some retailers discount to $ 101, even though Apple does not tend to give a discount on the shelves until the next generation of devices.

Technical specifications of new products were not disclosed, but it is likely that updated MacBook Air will be built on the latest platform, Intel Ivy Bridge.

According to rumors the next generation of “professional” notebook MacBook Pro, the output of which is scheduled for the beginning of 2nd quarter, the design approach to Air. Perhaps, for a more slim Apple will stop their devices to complement the DVD drive.

There is information about a possible merger and Pro Air series in one line, but such an outcome is unlikely, at least in the near future


Posted by on November 28, 2011. Filed under Apple, News, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.