Record and Share Audio on Facebook and Twitter with Audiolip

Record and Share Audio on Facebook and Twitter with Audiolip 1

Audiolip is a new social network based on the idea for which he was created Twitter: sharing thoughts, ideas, phrases, attitudes or anything you want with a limit of information. In this case Audiolip offers us share our ideas through voice recordings that can reach up to 45 seconds.

Social network to record and share audio

Although certainly Audiolip never be reach users who currently have Twitter we must say that the idea of a social network based on voice recordings of short duration is quite innovative and intelligent.

The interface Audiolip is simple and intuitive and is not intended to cause confusion or impede the user experience with content preferences or too strange.

Once you enter the site can see a wide number of recordings in three basic categories: New, Popular and Random. Here we begin to understand the site and the general idea without the need to create an account.

Record and Share Audio on Facebook and Twitter with Audiolip 2


If we saw something we think we can share on other social networks like Facebook or Twitter .

Once we have our own we can begin to make our recordings easily and without much difficulty. In addition to this we can trace recordings of users  specific or try to find some celebrities, like Twitter.

Record and Share Audio on Facebook and Twitter with Audiolip 3


I do not think Audiolip can establish itself as a social network in itself but it can be a great complement to other sites such as Facebook or Twitter because it allows us to approach people in a more personal and less cold.


Posted by on June 15, 2012. Filed under Articles, Technology, Web. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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