The Measured Temperature of the New iPad

temperature of the new iPad

As we  discuss earlier , in our article ,  New iPad Also Failed to Solve Overheating Problem. Today here is technical Review of temperature parameter of new iPad and comparison with old iPad 2.

In the photo we see the new iPad left and right iPad 2. At the hottest point, the iPad 2 has an operating temperature of 28.3 ° C against 33.6 ° C for the new model. The difference is not huge, 5.3 ° C, but it is certainly sensible as this is the hottest one on which you hold the tablet in portrait mode.

I think that apple should perform this experiment before release to provide better model to its loyal customers and Apple said to have surpassed the 3 million iPad sold worldwide in about 4 days. So it’s no surprise that the new Apple tablet size is a success that all will envy the competition. Note that the Apple TV does not leave his role as a hobby and not entitled to any communication on its sales figures.


Posted by on March 20, 2012. Filed under Apple, Articles, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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