Mark Zuckerberg: We Have Made Some Mistakes

Not only in this country hit the alarm privacy advocates when it comes to Facebook’s business practices. Even in the United States had the operator of the online platform that justify to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) . The agreement has been reached and now includes regular checks for the next 20 years.

Mark Zuckerberg-We Have Made Some Mistakes

“I am the first to admit that we have made some mistakes,”  is one of the first sentences in Mark Zuckerberg on the Facebook blog post . In more than 1,400-word post tried the Facebook founder and CEO clarify repeatedly that his company had solved many of the above issues several months ago with FTC, and Facebook members more control over their data had than ever. To the demands for more transparency and better control of privacy comply, Zuckerberg created two new positions. The two “Chief Privacy Officer” will take care of the data protection in product page and to provide privacy on a basic level. 

Facebook accused to FTC about the changes to privacy settings had not been informed in December 2009. At that time, Facebook had previously private data, such as friends list. With the help of financial penalties  Facebook future violations can be stopped. The agreement was written so that authorities can punish even small violations of the rules of the social network. 

As Reuters mentioned.. There is fines of $ 16,000 per day per violation.However, should at worst be peanuts for a company like Facebook. The settlement with the FTC says, among other things, that future changes will need on the visibility of personal data with explicit consent of the user.

Similar agreements had been agreed previous year with the U.S. authorities by Google and Twitter. 


Posted by on November 30, 2011. Filed under News, Technology, Web. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.