LinkedIn: Your Password Was Stolen?


LinkedIn: Your Password Was Stolen? 1


There is a system simple for  discover if your password both been or less purloined from servers LinkedIn : thanks to work of Chris Shiflett is possible to analyze with a click the database published on Russian forum to verify if their account can or less be at risk.

The service is called  LeakedIn , with a clever play on words useful to map the versions “hash” the password to verify their presence in the  database  from 6.5 million units of which LinkedIn has already  confirmed  the goodness. By entering your password into the search form you can have a  definite answer about the theft or less of your password , a message on a green background will be a reassurance, a message on a red background will change to the warning which requires specific attention.

LinkedIn: Your Password Was Stolen? 2

LeakedIn warns: your password is stolen, your account is at risk (try the much deprecated password 123456)

The passwords stolen are not matched with the user name or email, which avoids potentially possible immediate risks. However, a mapping of email could allow attackers to arrive at a solution that would put in direct danger for the account. To this reason necessary to pay attention to problem with several precautions:

  • check for any breach of your LinkedIn account through LeakedIn and, whatever the response,  to change, however, your password  for the sake and safety;
  • change the password on any other site  on which you were registered using the same credentials;
  • avoid clicking on any link  on alleged email from LinkedIn: the group is so by sending notifications to affected users, but does not include in the mail any links. The presence of a link is therefore a symptom of a phishing already reported and described.


Posted by on June 7, 2012. Filed under News, Technology, Web. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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