How To Know, What Is The Best Time To Buy An Apple Product

How To Know, What Is The Best Time To Buy An Apple Product

Apple Acquire a team can go from being an enjoyable experience a disaster if we were wrong at the time of purchase. The user who buys a Mac, iPhone or any other apple product suffers if a month or even days appears a new team . Which usually have the same price and still remain minimal, better features.

So I would like to share four steps you can take if you are going to buy an Apple product. There are four simple considerations that I hope will be useful and prevent left us feeling like a fool if after making a strong financial outlay within a few days, a renewal.

Do I need and the team or I can expect?

This is the first and most important question. Not the same situation from a professional or a home user of . Whether for work or play never hurts to ask whether we really need a new computer to replace old or just serve us as starting on the platform.

Currently have some computer equipment is often so wait a few days or a couple of months is not so traumatic. Unless due to a fault and as I said it depends on your daily work. In this case there is no choice but to buy.

If not for fault we have to keep in mind that we use for our team. If we are devoted to writing texts, internet consulting, social networking, etc … possibly the life of the equipment is greater than if we process photos, edit video or generate 3D content. Therefore, if a computer with more CPU , RAM ,HDD or graphics card does not have to create us technology that feeling of anxiety. And if we have doubts whether to buy now or wait any improvement we can expect more or less time.

Renewal cycles

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Before calculating the cycles of renewal was much easier. We knew that with the January MacWorld had new computers in September was the iPod range and in June during the WWDC , the professional range. Now everything is a bit more scattered and at any time they surprise us with an updated processor, memory or redesign.

Now there is another factor in the updates, the presentation of new processors by Intel . If Intel does release dates we know that renovation is more or less close because Apple usually includes the latest processors in their computers.

An example of this is now the state of the Mac Pro range, which is awaiting the release of new processors XEON like the iMac platform waiting for the Ivy Bridge.

In short, if you want to buy the product was launched less than six months you can buy with confidence that at least another six months will have the latest from Apple . If you spend most of the year’s best to wait if you can.

Rumors, rumors and more rumors

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Mockup of new MacBook Air with sizes between 11 and 17 “

The rumor mill is part of the DNA internal Apple. The excitement generated by the company continuously makes rumors appear on new technologies, patents, designs, features and improvements . Some of them more or less founded and others with clear proofs that confirm to be true.

Be aware they can help us see if we can offset the expected improvement or not. As I said before, if for example you buy an iMac now may be better to wait since the renovation will include a processor upgrade with a platform change, Sandy Bridge at Ivy Bridge.

Macbuyers Guide, MacRumors buying guide

How To Know, What Is The Best Time To Buy An Apple Product 3

Finally, if you do not have time to be aware of rumors, renewal cycles and simply need to know whether or not it’s time to buy a new computer you have Mac Buyer’s Guide. A guide which collect the latest information about the product since its last renovation : mean time between renewal and renovation, rumors about possible improvements, …

It is, I think, one of the pages you’ve always consult before buying. It also has a historical past with respect to renewal as sometimes there are certain events that force renewals earlier than expected.

Read More On:- Mac Buyer’s Guide


Posted by on February 29, 2012. Filed under Apple, Articles, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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