Facebook Migrates to Menlo Park

The  new home  of Facebook can finally accommodate their tenants:  The most popular social network in the world has in fact completed the process of migrating to the new campus in Menlo Park , which permanently replaces the previous one in that location in Palo Alto. From now on, in other words, the more than 2000 employees hired by the company founded by Mark Zuckerberg will sit at a new desk.

Facebook migrates to Menlo Park

Distributed over an area of approximately  100 thousand square meters , the new headquarters of Facebook is able to accommodate about 9200 employees and revolves around a large central courtyard that connects each area of the campus. Within it you can find several dining areas, conference rooms where huge in the future will be held inside the briefings and probably some public events, and various other types of premises to meet the needs of each individual employee.

The headquarters of Facebook in Menlo Park, then, will have an eye for the environment, as demonstrated by the  LEED Gold certification  obtained through hard work done so in order to minimize the environmental impact of every single office. If an employee of Facebook at Menlo Park requires new tools, such as a keyboard or mouse to replace a product look, there will be special distribution points with retailers who will provide what is necessary to ensure that the chain can continue its journey without stopping ever before.

There are also interest in the community that will host today the seat of the main social networks in the world, with the latter donated several laptop computers at a local school, planning for the future educational workshops and pushing their employees to visit the city. Facebook, in fact, intend to write a new chapter in its history, leaving the historic headquarters in Palo Alto, where were all made significant achievements to date, with the hope he can continue the good work done so far.

Good luck Facebook!


Posted by on December 20, 2011. Filed under News, Technology, Web. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.