Dream: ON the iPhone Application to Watch your Sleep

dream on iphone

There are tens of thousands of applications for the iPhone. But all we use when we are awake. Richard Gouaizman however, a professor at the University of Chertforntsir is determined to change that. The reason for implementing Dream On has created and which is part of an experiment aimed at improving the bedtime and the creation of pleasant dreams. Use of Dream: ON is quite simple. The device with the application is placed beside the bed when the holder of going to bed. 

Then track user’s movement and when he passed the phase Rapid Eye Movement (currently, ie, where one sees the most dreams), the mobile plays a default music, soothing piece. Listening to the song helps the user has pleasant experiences while sleeping. For example, to see that a garden walk or fly. When the Rapid Eye Movement phase tends to be completed, the application generates an alarm sound as subtle as the holder of the device to wake up and enter the dream in a database. On Beyond these entries can share these social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. In fact you can points and third parties that may appear in these dreams. Although at present, the application is only available for iOS this year will be released for Android.


Posted by on April 23, 2012. Filed under Apple, Articles, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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