Designer Creates Concept Smartphone for the Blind

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If the world today is filled with smartphones, why not create a device specifically for the visually impaired? Thinking about the this ,the student of Industrial Design Shikun Sun, Sheffield Hallam University, England, made the concept of DrawBraille Mobile Phone . It is a device with all the normal functions of a phone, but with signs in Braille.

The concept includes a book reader, text messaging, email, and even a music player. The Mobile Phone DrawBraille is divided into two main parts: one with 35 Braille commands, divided into five columns, and one with a touchscreen, with embossed surface. The battery is also represented: five points are easily accessible, located on the side of the device.

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Surely the Sun Design is a practical and functional for the visually impaired. Nevertheless, there is no prediction that the unit arrives one day to be marketed.

Via: Yanko Design


Posted by on March 19, 2012. Filed under Articles, Innovation, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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