Created Self-cleaning and Anti-Fog Glass

Self-cleaning and Anti-Fog Glass

In the U.S.,created a new type of glass – self-cleaning, Anti-glare, anti-fog and simultaneously Perform these Operations. The authors of the present invention are members of the Technological Institute of Massachusetts.

This super-modern glass has many differences from the usual, but the most important of them – a presence on the surface of special microscopic cones arranged in a certain way.According to the information resource FarEastGizmos, the width at the base of each cone is about 200 nanometers, and its length – about 1000 nanometers. The shape of the cones, located on the surface of the glass, was chosen empirically. Scientists have calculated the width and height of their bases and have tried a few different options before settling on the current.

The process of creating these cones is rather complicated. It consists of several steps, many of which are used in the manufacture of printed circuit boards and microchips.Without going into details, the researchers reported that the surface of the glass, they applied a number of layers of different materials, including various types of glass. The top layer – a photoresist, collapsing under irradiation with light. The number of cones and the method of their arrangement – this is also the results of the calculations. Placing them in a certain way, they achieve the maximum performance of hydrophobicity, observing at the same time as the glass is gradually becoming a glare.

The resulting all experiments, the glass is completely transparent, and stain it is virtually impossible – the water that gets him going into small balls by gravity sliding down, taking with them the dust particles. Note that the idea of placing the cones on the surface to protect it from dust is not new – something like that is often found in nature. For example, the surface of the eye of some insects have a similar structure, so that they are protected from dust.

Based on this fact, scientists have concluded that the structure of the surface is more important than the way it is received. The method of photolithography, which they used when creating the prototype, is an effective but very expensive, so it is now carried out experiments on the improvement of conventional technologies of glass production.

If the new technology proves its usefulness, the use of glasses with the cones on the surface will be very broad. They are useful in the manufacture of windows, glasses, mobile devices and other equipment.


Posted by on April 30, 2012. Filed under Articles, Innovation, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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