Apple Vs. Nokia

Apple vs. NokiaInternational agency Interbrand has published an annual ranking of the 100 most valuable brands in the world. The most significant growth showed the company Apple, which was the brand is more expensive by 58%  to 33.5 billion dollars, which allowed it to move from 17th to 8th place in the list.Nokia, occupied in the past year, the 8th line, dropped to 14th position. The Finnish brand has become cheaper by 15% and is now worth $ 25 billion.

 The former leader has not changed  it’s CocaCola, the position of Microsoft, IBM, HP, Intel and Google for a year and have not changed. Interestingly entire top ten list they are American companies. Korean brand Samsung has risen by 20% to 23.4 billion dollars was at 17th to 19th place a year earlier. For the first time in Taiwan’s ranking fell HTC, received the 98th position with a score of 3.6 billion dollars. In assessing the brand value Interbrand took into account its contribution to the Company’s financial results and the impact of brand on consumer demand.


Posted by on October 12, 2011. Filed under Apple, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.