To TEDxThessaloniki approaches: 1 whole day, 17 speakers and 4 performers, 700 restless minds in OLYMPION. There are only 5 days! Prepare for a day of inspiration, connections, surprises and new experiences. Surely you know, you try and learn something you did not know before. You can start looking not only for your own idea worth spreading, and how they will disseminate their ideas heard. We know from the speakers near the TEDxThessaloniki and armed with the courage to create .
This year’s presenter will be TEDxThessaloniki Tsapanidou Popi. We recommend you take the speakers and to introduce you to the magic of TEDxThessaloniki.
Gazmend Kapllani Writer, Journalist Keren Hanan pianist, painter Hope rookie of the UN Political Advisor, Expert political transition Yannis Smaragdis Director Performance: Katerina Vrana , Comedian
Maria Conti-Galen Social worker Eric Parkes Businessman Anastasia Milios Scientist, Activist Victoria Hislop Writer Performance: John Aggelakas Musician, Producer, Poet
Angel Patsias Educator Marcie Mayer Farmer, Epicheirimatias Alicia Stallings Poet Areti Markopoulou and Tomas Diez Architects Tomas Sedlacek Economist Performance: Musi-fi music-technology project, and you all
Edi Rama remodelers of the cityscape, Civil John Zakos computer scientist Elias Puglia Businessman Aktivistis in education Ben Hammersley internet technology, Journalist Performance: Leon Singer, Composer
Guest Dj Ralli Rafaella
13:00 Meeting with the author: Gazmend Kapllani , book signing 15:30 Meeting with the author: Victoria Hislop, book signing 16:00 to 16:20 Piano Recital: Keren Hanan , “The Color of Konserto” Let yourself be fascinated by you Keren melodies in a unique piano recital exclusively for TEDxThessaloniki. fifteen past six p.m. Meet the author: Tomas Sedlacek , signing books all day – Stormy Waters , a photo exhibition of the Archipelago.Enjoy the beauty of the Mediterranean scattered on the stairs of the Olympian and learn about the threats that endanger its future. All day – TAF : When coffee is science, one of the best baristas in Greece TEDxThessaloniki. All day – Vivlioforos + Constantinides : The books of speakers TEDxThessaloniki 2012 in Greek and English, and other ideas worth spreading all day – Famous Grouse : The art of the drink all day –The Simulcast Lounge : A place specially designed for TEDxThessaloniki where you will have the opportunity to sit back and watch some live modules, update your blog and communicate with other TEDxsters.
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