Science has Answers About life After Death?

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In 1991, in Atlanta, a woman named Pam Reynolds had a near death experience (NDE – near-death-experience)Reynolds has experienced a brain aneurysm surgery, during surgery the doctor is forced to withdraw in whole blood in the brain out. Reynolds is kept in a state of brain death nearly 45 minutes with the help of the surgery group. Whatever was in a state of clinical death like that, but when he recovered, Reynolds has described a few things strange. She recalled every detail thoroughly – that she see dead ones like. And more surprising, she could describe the early stages of the surgery, even the bone saw to remove part of his skull.

The remarkable thing here about the experience of Reynolds is a combination of near-death experiences (near-death-experience – NDE) and life experience outside the body (out-of-body-experience – OBE) .HowStuffWorks page has two articles on this phenomenon, you can refer to
Science has made certain progress in finding the cause. Two separate studies on the experiences made by Reynolds in 2007. Each study answers in part, that a person can have NDE or OBE as an institution, but such data was sufficient to explain the experience of Reynolds?
18% of people were rescued after a stroke said they had an NDEWhile for religious believers, this phenomenon seems to be normal, the body consciousness and can separate each individual is a challenge to science. A brain dead will not be able to record new memories – they will not be conscious, then there is a way to explain the NDE cover or not?
A study from the University of Kentucky has made an explanation seems most reasonable to NDE. Scientists report that the real mystery here is a case of sleep disturbance is occurring rapid eye operation interrupted (rapid eye movement intrusion – REM  – in the framework of this article, I would just added, upon the occurrence of normal REM sleep is when we “dream”). In this disorder, a person’s mind before the body can he province, hallucinations and feeling detached from his body may occur.
Researchers from the University of Kentucky believes that near-death experience is due to appear in REM brain damage occurs by the same as cardiac arrest … If this is true, that is, some people experience close to death during a disturbance when suddenly and unexpectedly went into a dream state.
This hypothesis helps explain the mystery of NDEs: how human beings can see and hear when brain dead? REM activation area that lies above the brain stem – brainstem – this is the most control basic functions of the body, and it can operate almost independently of the higher parts of the brain. So when other areas of the brain dies, the brain stem can still continue to operate, and REM occurs.
It seems this is a good explanation for near death experience NDE, then with the body experience OBE then how? There are like NDE or not? See the next section to learn how to distinguish between the NDE and OBE.
Junction parietal lobe – temporal lobe and OBE.
As the theory of REM in NDE explain the hallucinations occur in NDE, other aspects are still largely unknown.How is it that a person can see their bodies when they are so brain dead? Although OBE is often considered as part of NDE, but we can completely separate cup, showing the difference between OBE and NDE.
The randomized study is supported by another study. To find the cause of an epileptic seizure, 43 patients, neuroscientist Olaf Blanke Swiss have decided to make a map of the brain, using electrodes placed on the brain to see how the control function what. And when a region is stimulated, this woman went through OBE. Blanke She told that she could see her from above.
Blanke determined that, with an electrical current stimulus to recovery angles ( angular gyrus –  a contiguous part of the parietal lobe and temporal lobe) of the women, he could get her OBE. The remarkable thing is, at any time in the angular gyrus stimulation, the patient may experience OBE.
At any period of time, our brains filled with all kinds of information. According to research results, we will gradually decrease sensitivity to light and sound around, like the cry of the fluorescent lamps … Junction parietal lobe and temporal lobe (temporal parietal junction – TPJ) is responsible for arranging the information through the analysis of different information and put them back into a more coherent volume, which helps reduce the load to the brain sets.
TPJ region is also the control of self awareness and awareness of position in space. Blanke believes that stimulating this area will meet with the OBEIf any information is arranged by the TPJ, the disturbance and interfere with each other, such as the position we’re in space, we seemed to leave his body – even if only in a heartbeat.
Both the neurologist and the University of Kentucky Blanke were made to explain the theory of OBE and NDE.So how would you use both to explain the phenomenon of Pam Reynolds? Still can not really explain why Pam Reynolds and others like her could see her outside of her body with a clinically brain dead.
NDE can be the result of REM, is activated in the brain stemBut then again OBE is when stimulation at higher brain areas, the NDE happens that where clinical death. Moreover, it seems logical to infer that higher brain regions also have the ability to explain the activity, expressed the feelings generated by REM in the brainstem.
Anyway, the combination of two theories of the University of Kentucky and Blanke unexplained causes of NDE does not mean that other theories are falseA study tends to break down the results of other studies. We hope that we will soon find out a function or any other agency behind the NDE.
If the neurologist could not give plausible explanations of the NDE, the mystery of this phenomenon is still there.Science can explain the question “how”, but the question “why” then again it’s hard. Explore and explain the NDE could uncover the door of the metaphysical world-complete can be “unlocked” by science.
Reference: HowStuffWorks


Posted by on April 12, 2012. Filed under Articles, Life Style, Relations. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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