Radiation Exposure Does not Lead to Cancer: The Myth Destroyed

Radiation Exposure Does not Lead to Cancer- The Myth Destroyed

Researchers at the Berkeley National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy have destroyed one of the myths about the connection of cancer and radiation. With high-speed photography of living cells and mathematical modeling of the special cell culture of human breast cancer.Scientists have found evidence that the dose of ionizing radiation and cancer risk is not directly linked.

This is contrary to standard notions prediction of biological damage caused by ionizing radiation, the so-called linear-threshold hypothesis (LNT). According to scientists, the risk of cancer is directly proportional to dose, in other words, the higher the dose, the greater the risk of cancer. In this case even small doses are dangerous from this point of view.

New research shows that lower doses of ionizing radiation, DNA repair mechanisms work much better than at higher doses. This calls into question the widely held view that any amount of radiation harms the body.

The study was done by measuring the amount of “radiation-induced foci” – clusters of proteins that repair DNA double-breaks. The fact that people have evolved in an environment with very low levels of ionizing radiation, making it unlikely that a gap of more than one strand of DNA. Therefore, the “double maintenance” DNA can lead to errors and cancer.

However, observations and computer simulations show that the DNA is able to cope even with such uncommon lesions and hence small doses of radiation, even when damaged two strands of DNA that carry a healthy person without any consequences.However, when cells are exposed to large doses of radiation, there are too many double DNA breaks. As a result of the large number of “failures” of DNA chinitsya incorrectly, which can lead to cancer.


Posted by on January 11, 2012. Filed under Articles, Health, Life Style. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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