Letter of the Emperor Napoleon,Has Sold for 325,000 Euros

NapoleonA Unique letter of French Emperor Napoleon which he wrote in English, while trying to learn the language during his exile on St. Helena, was sold at auction in the suburbs of Paris for 325,000 euros, according to Radio and Television on Monday, BBC BBC .

This amount is four times greater than the wildest estimates of organizers – they expect to gain a unique artifact of the order of 80,000 euros.

The message on the yellowed piece of paper was written by Napoleon in March 1816 and addressed to his personal secretary and a teacher of English – Count Laskazu. This is one of the few letters which the Emperor speaks little English, has written in this language.

Once on the island of Saint Helena, Napoleon never knew English, he decided to learn the language of his eternal enemy – England, and the surviving evidence, it is very serious about their studies, which lasted until April 1816.

English lessons Bonaparte gave his personal secretary, Count Emmanuel de Laskaz, who owned the language perfectly. Napoleon was a diligent student, and soon became a night when he suffered from insomnia, write letters to their teacher.

As noted in his memoirs, Count Laskaz, despite the fact that Bonaparte has made a lot of effort to master English, he did he was not given. According to the graph on the lips of Napoleon, it was like a whole new language that only he, the teacher could understand.

The style of writing letters gives reason to assume that the successes of Bonaparte in written English were not large. The use of archaic word forms and enough free treatment to the grammar makes understanding of the text for the modern reader is extremely difficult.

About who became the new owner of the rarity of the document is not reported.

Previously, the auction house sold Osenat copybooks Napoleon with exercises in English for more than 90,000 euros . The new owner of the documents is one of the private museums of Paris.


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