13 Tips to Style of Dress for Men

13 Tips to Style of Dress for Men 1
Well dressed to be in the job long ago is no longer reserved for the executive suite. Rather, it is – even in the judgment of recruiters – a “soft factor” has become.

Decision-makers include the occurrence and clothing to the work setting.They indicate the outfit as an indication of how accurate, reliable and creative person works. Read our tips on clothing style for men. An update that deals with fashion questions for women follows shortly.

Tip 1: Traditional does not have to be boring

You can dress classically, without being boring or old. Go to the example of fashionable collars on the shirts. A shark’s collar looks a lot more sophisticated than the good old Kent collar.Sometimes even a small detail makes the difference: do not you try a jacket with two instead of three buttons.

Tip 2: Fashionable yes, but in moderation

Of course, one must be dressed in business and fashion. One should not only participate every fashion and accurately assess the occurrence expect that their business partner of ours. As an IT consultant, you should just give up jeans and sneakers at the customer – even if they are in vogue.

Tip 3: Consistently remain

f you wear a tie to bind them properly, with the top shirt button is closed. If you know the collar too tight, you have to buy new shirts. Everything in between is half-measures. Remember: Some people close of your clothes the way you work …..

Tip 4: The correct sleeve length

When you purchase the right shirt sleeve length. The shirt cuff should be at the root of the thumb touching arms hanging out and look around one to two centimeters from the jacket sleeve. Come with normal arm lengths can not cope, just ask in trade for shirts with “extra long or short sleeves.”

Tip 5: Shoes are your business card

Nothing ruins your outfit faster than a loose style shoe or neglected. With the classics (Oxford and Brogue) you can not go wrong. Make sure of good quality here. A shoe with a suit by the way is always a leather sole.

The best gloss get your shoes when you brush properly: First remove dirt with a damp cloth, apply polish, polish with a brush and put it with worn-out stockings to a shine.

Tip 6: Brown to Black never

Do not believe everything you see. No, do not you wear black suits to brown shoes, not even with a brown belt. To dark blue, gray and beige suits does.

Tip 7: Less is more in men

The belt should be the same color as the shoes and leather. The belt buckle should be discreetly chosen any business outfit. Large logos or thick silver clasps are not asked. If the length of the belt make sure that the right and left of the right hole is still room.

Tip 8: colors and patterns

Also here you go with the motto “less is more” very good. A striped suit, a checkered shirt and a tie with polka dots are just too much. Remember the formula: the pattern of the tie should be stronger than that of shirt. And a pinstripe suit, always select a single-color shirt.

Tip 9: Stylish write

This means not only how you formulate your texts. Rather, we want to point to the pen and pad. Please sign important contracts with a pen rather than a personal Plastikkuli on a company advertises in big letters. If you do not already, you should make notes in a meeting at a designated point or on a bound notebook. Separate pieces of paper have the disadvantage that they are easily lost.

Tip 10: Visible male calves only during exercise

The looks of the business partners should not be distracted by bright nuances between trouser leg and shoe. Make sure that the socks show the leg-over, no skin. Playing it safe while you go with knee length socks. Besides the “spiny leg” but there are also bright socks that provide for a dark suit for diversion.How long known tennis socks should be used only for sport.

Important in all of the rules is: Stay true to yourself! Bring out your personality with your style and boost your sympathy to-value. Only with a sympathetic aura you can convince your colleagues and superiors to success.

Tip 11: Where man can be individually

The gentlemen must wear a suit in the customer contact them remains to individualize the tie – the small piece of fabric to great effect. This does not mean that there should be a model made of leather, wood, or with the Mickey Mouse theme. Important are stylish ties, which are always made of pure silk, with a subtle pattern. But here’s brings the color: from blue ties radiate peace and objectivity, orange is very bright and creative, red ties provide emotional warmth and have a strong impact.

Individuality can be demonstrated also in the choice of suits: The sectional shape can now be slim and look so sporty. Thus, men are unmistakably stylish by wearing such suits only with a specific section or shirts with a collar certain form. Some mens shoes to make their hobby and wear only certain models.

Does the Lord does not suit, he should adapt his style of dress ever to its target group. Much room for individualization is not here. In conservative industries such as banking and insurance, it is rather classical. After that, for example, the IT service focus. In other industries are looking for something casual, so you may not immediately reach for casual wear.

Tip 12: If possible, no jewelry

Jewelry is not accepted in the business environment. Here, gentlemen, should be limited to a maximum of one or two rings and a wristwatch. Even when the clock says to act more discreetly. Because the suit does not fit with rubber divers watch strap.

Tip 13: What is in “business casual” allows

No tie to the suit bears the Lord, if the dress code “business casual” allowed.This means always suit without a tie – and nothing less. So there are no jeans mean, how many men think. A button-down shirt with a suit or a combination is perfect. In summer, men can also wear a light cotton suit with no tie.


Posted by on June 24, 2012. Filed under Articles, Fashion, Life Style. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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