The Technical Framework of the Modernization Project of WIND 3G Network

The Technical Framework of the Modernization Project of WIND 3G Network 1

The project of modernization of the WIND 3G network completely change the building blocks of the radio network of the company and throughout the first stage of the transmission network. The new equipment includes radio network of WIND Single BTS solutions and Multi-mode BSC which efficiently support multiple mobile technologies thus introducing the new 3G network concepts WIND “Convergence, Broadband, Energy Conservation and Development.” 

The first step of Network Transmission of WIND also upgraded with the introduction of a single transmission solution that ensures very high speeds, capacity, high reliability and intuitive operation. All imp protocol will be installed across the new network. The project of modernizing the company’s network from outside technology has significant ecological value and will reduce the environmental footprint of WIND. Specifically, you save 40% energy consumption on an annual basis, respectively, reducing emissions of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. 

The new equipment is significantly smaller in volume compared with the historical and thanks to its clever design provides maximum performance and capacity with lower power consumption. Moreover, the cooling unit is naturally and not using air conditioners, resulting in reduced energy consumption.


Posted by on July 3, 2012. Filed under Articles, IT, Networking. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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