Sony Has Introduced a Cloud Service “PlayMemories Online”

Cloud Service PlayMemories

The logical development of the network PS Network from Sony, combining the owners of PS 3 game consoles and mobile counterparts, it has access to the “cloud” environment. Yesterday, Sony officially announced service PlayMemories Online, which provides storage services of media contents.

Under the media content, in this case refers to photos and videos, at least, these file types are mentioned during the announcement employees Sony. PlayMemories Online as a service does not represent anything out of the ordinary: the standard “cloud” with a very limited amount of disk subsystems for each user – for storing photos, pictures and videos they are given only 5 gigabytes.

Notably, access to information stored on servers Sony PlayMemories Online can be obtained from a variety of devices – digital photo frames, smartphones, tablets, and, of course, by the Sony Playstation 3 and Sony Playstation Vita. Previously released on consoles and the console is not supported. Of course, non-gaming devices must also be issued by Sony – with access to the HTC PlayMemories Online, alas, do not get it.

The main reason for starting a cloud service under consideration – a desire to spite Sony Microsoft: both companies for several years competing in the market of gaming consoles, which ultimately results in the appearance of more and more services. For example, owners of the Sony Playstation 3 consoles can enjoy watching a streaming video via the PSN, directly associated with the video, Vudu, Huli, CinemaNow, Netflix and, of course, YouTube. There are a number of other possibilities, including an online store to purchase games and in-game content, the function of buying movies and music, plus a cloud PlayMemories Online is inextricably linked with the music service Sony Unlimited Music.

Sony is gradually transforming their gaming consoles in the multi-media device that can replace a gaming computer and media center with Internet access. Incidentally, the Japanese company recently renamed its gaming network in the Playstation Network Entertainment Network, to show that from now on access to its features can be obtained not only from the console Playstation, but also with many other devices made by Sony.

Sony has not yet decided on the date of the launch of its new cloud PlayMemories Online. According to its representatives, the project will work in the next few weeks. The size of the subscription fee charged for the use of its functions have not yet installed.


Posted by on March 29, 2012. Filed under IT. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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