What Could be the Relation of this Place with Microsoft, Guess

What Could be the Relation of this Place with Microsoft, Guess 1

Microsoft is demonstrating once again its ecological consciousness by announcing the creation of a new data center in Wyoming that works exclusively through production of biogas from a variety of organic materials, such as livestock manure, agricultural residues and other impurities … 

After filtering and processing, biogas can be used as fuel to power the data center while reducing carbon emissions. The entire project is expected to cost the company $ 5.5 million and if proven successful, will pave the way for recycling and conversion of natural biogas (methane) into renewable energy.

What Could be the Relation of this Place with Microsoft, Guess 2

After the end of the 18-month pilot program, Microsoft will donate its systems at University of Wyoming for further investigation.


Posted by on November 26, 2012. Filed under Articles, IT, Software. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.