Problems With the Recent OS X 10.7.3

Problems With the Recent OS X 10.7.3

Many users report many problems after yesterday’s upgrade to version Lion OS X 10.7.3 .

For example, many indicate that many applications ‘crash’ when you start operating. So, if you experience such problems try this:

Get the combo version of OS X 10.7.3 from here , run it again to install the software and reboot the system.

If things are even worse than that and you can not access the desktop try restore from a Time Machine backup on version prior to 10.7.3 and install through the combo version.

As a last resort should enter Recovery to install from scratch the functional restoring your files later via Time Machine.

Via MacRumors


Posted by on February 3, 2012. Filed under IT, News, Software. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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