Bill Gates: Windows 8 is a Big Step

Bill Gates Will not Return to Microsoft

Bill Gates once again speak of “his” Microsoft. Back at a crucial moment, bringing its approval on the future of the group. There is talk of Windows 8, it is called Surface, talking about the future of the company he created (and which still preserves an important piece of property):In his words reflected the idea of a really crucial moment on which Microsoft believes to bottom: Windows 8 is the passing of a paradigm is a turning point from which you will never go back. From the first words Gates appointing Steve Ballmer, however, thus leaving leaked full confidence in his choice and at the same time downloading CEO on full responsibility for the choice made ??on the day in which this type of Windows 8 that the group decided to focus all its resources.

Gates also avoids defining what is “natural” for forms of interaction between man and machine: According to Gates, in fact, the definition of “natural” is relative, and each type of interaction and use of content implies different modes of access to the same content, different ways to get involved. One “umbrella”, in short, for a variety of experiences is the best way to interpret the hybrid nature of the operating system and the needs of users today.

About Surface , also, no doubt, “is an incredible product, it’s great.” It’s a tablet, but it is also a PC, and this meeting Gates sees the entire value of the device (Gates, for the record, I chose the version with black keyboard).

In a few days Windows 8 will make its debut on the market. A few days later the time comes to Windows Phone 8 and in the meantime the first surface come into the hands of users. The baptism of Bill Gates was a passage had a wink that the past has wrung the future in the most important days of the handover.


Posted by on October 23, 2012. Filed under Articles, IT, Software. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.