Steps to Get “Facebook Notifications” On Google TV

Here are the 8 Steps to get Facebook Notifications On Google TV.

Step 1 of 8 to 'Get Facebook Notifications' On Google TV

Step-1  written below

While Enjoying a channel on the Google Television.. Please “Push home button of Sony TV Remote control”.

Step 2 of 8 to 'Get Facebook Notifications' On Google TV


Step-2 written below

The “Home” menu ought to seem and a sound ought to be heard. the primary choice “Bookmarks”, ought to be already selected and every one of your current bookmarks

ought to be presented the proper. Click the “Applications” link on the left column.

Note : Use the circular pad on the left of the remote to choose a selection and press the enter button to make the selection..
Step 3 of 8 to 'Get Facebook Notifications' On Google TV
Step-3 written below

A 2nd column of applications will appear on the right side of the real menu. Click the “Chrome” link.

Important Point :Please Use the “circular-pad” on the left of the remote to choose a selection and Push the Enter button to make the selection..
Step 4 of 8 to 'Get Facebook Notifications' On Google TV
Step-4 written below

The browser is required open up to the “Google Search” page.

Step 5 of 8 to 'Get Facebook Notifications' On Google TV

Step-5 written below

Now Perform a Search for “

Step 6 of 8 to 'Get Facebook Notifications' On Google TV

Step-6 ,7 written below

To create the “Bookmark now push star button on the controller.

Choose the option  “Save this Web Page”

Important Point: Use the circular pad on the left of the remote to decide on a variety and press the enter button to form the choice!

Step-8 written below

The facebook possibility ought to currently seem as an possibility on the bookmarks page, seen in step one. This task ought to currently be complete. If not, review and repeat the steps as required. Submit any queries using the section at the lowest of this page.



Posted by on September 17, 2011. Filed under IT, Software. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.