The 10 Most Selling Books in The History

While the fact that a book to sell more than the other does not provide any objective information about the quality of either book , man can not help being attracted by the best-seller lists, whether books, records, movies or whatever.

To meet this attraction, then we present the bestseller throughout history (excluding franchises). Not the best, even I recommend that they to take a look. But if you read, at least you can share conversation with many people living on the planet.

The Bible (Between 2,500 and 6,000 million copies sold) 
First published sometime between the 70 and 105 AD, is the best known and most translated publication of the planet. Is estimated to have sold between 2,500,000,000 and 6,000,000,000 copies in 438 different languages.

Is the set of canonical books of Judaism and Christianity. The canonicity of each book varies depending on the tradition adopted.

The Red Book: Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong(Between 800 and 6,500 million copies sold)

The only book to rival the Bible in terms of sales is the Book of Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong, better known in the West as the “Red Book”. First published in 1966, has been translated into 50 languages ??in addition to the original Chinese.

The name of Little Red Book was given in the West for its paperback edition, specially made ??for easier handling and transport, as Communist Party members should take it with you and your reading was compulsory in schools . Currently, although the revolutionary language of the quotations from Mao has fallen into disuse in modern China, the book is printed to be sold primarily as a tourist souvenir.

Xinhua Zidian: Dictionary of Chinese Characters (400 million copies sold)

The Xinhua Zidian (literally “Dictionary of characters in the new China”) is the best selling Chinese dictionary in the world, and one of the most popular reference books on the planet. Since the publication in 1957 have sold over 400,000,000 copies.

Poems of Chairman Mao (400 million copies sold)

If the Book of Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong is the second best selling book, two books written by the most famous president of the Republic of China ranked fourth and fifth place in our top ten books.In this case we have sold over 400 million copies of the book of poems by Mao Zedong.

 Articles of Chairman Mao (252 million copies sold)

A post below found the book collects articles written by the president of China, Mao Zedong. It has sold 252 million copies since publication in 1966.

 The Quran (200 million copies)

I Believe in Qumran Majeed.

The holy book of Islam appears as the sixth best-selling book of all time. It first appeared around the year 610 AD and since then has sold over 200 million copies, mostly in its original Arabic.

During the life of the Prophet of Allah Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW), the “revelations” were transmitted orally or written on palm leaves, pieces of leather or bone, etc.. On the death of the Prophet in 632, his followers began to gather these “revelations” that during the caliphate of Usman ibn Affan took the form we know today, 114 chapters, each divided into verses.

 Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens (200 million copies sold)

The first novel in the list found in the seventh. It tells of life in the century XVIII , at the time of the French Revolution. Published in 1859, has more than 200 million copies sold.

It begins with these words, some of the most famous and constantly quoted from the literature:

It is the best of times, is the worst of times. It is the age of wisdom, and madness. It is the epoch of belief, and disbelief, the spring of hope and winter of despair. We have everything, but we do not own anything, we walked straight to heaven but we took the road to the other side. Anyway, this time is so similar to the ages, that nothing here I should have actually surprised. Nothing. Neither forgiveness or revenge, nor death, nor resurrection.

 The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien (150 million copies sold)

The great work of Professor JRR Tolkien is also among the best-selling books in history. Usually published as three different volumes, The Lord of the Rings is considered a single work for all purposes and, therefore, appears in this ranking. It was published in 1955.

Planned JRR Tolkien Lord of the Rings as a sequel to his earlier novel, The Hobbit, but eventually became much more a story of scope and reach.

Before the publication of The Lord of the Rings , publisher George Allen & Unwin and even Tolkien himself feared a flood of criticisms of the novel, however, was both bad and good comments, ranging from terrible to excellent. Among the criticisms dominated those tachaban child’s work: the American critic Edmund Wilson described the work in the newspaper The Nation as “junk teenager” while the writer Edwin Muir said that all the characters were like children who never reach the puberty.

 Scouting for Boys Baden-Powell (150 million copies sold)

Scouting for Boys: a manual of instruction in good citizenship by campaign life is the fundamental book of the Scout Movement authored by General Robert Baden-Powell , founder of the youth movement and whose first complete edition appeared in London in 1908.

The rights of the work are guarded by the British Scout Association until 2011 in compliance with the 70 years of death of the author and time in which the work falls under public domain.

 The Book of Mormon (130 million copies sold)

Other religious book closes the top ten bestseller. In this case it is the Book of Mormon, published in 1830 and which has sold 130 million copies worldwide. It is one of four sacred books accepted by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints , the Community of Christ and other branches of the motion of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the Mormons).


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