YouTube for Schools:A Purely Educational Aspect

At YouTube, we can find everything from music videos until physics experiments and cute and funny mischievous kittens up interviews of eminent personalities. In short there is enough material that could be used for educational purposes, however, lost in everything else and so the attention of a child when seeking information on the network, it is easy to break. The Google, has identified this issue and launched a solution called “YouTube for Schools”. 

YouTube for Schools-A Purely Educational Aspect

The “YouTube for Schools” is a network setting, which school officials can activate to give access only to content YouTube EDU , which translates into video of most of the 600 partners of this site, including are the Smithsonian, TED, Steve Spangler Science and Numberphile. In addition to restricting access to specific video, Google has also worked with teachers to gather over 300 playlists on this subject, and depending on the difficulty level.



Posted by on December 13, 2011. Filed under News, Technology, Web. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.