Unlocked iPhone 4S Available in Europe From November

Unlocked iPhone 4S Available in Europe From NovemberIt’s no secret that today is open to preorder iPhone 4S , but the device is locked and subject to contract certain mobile operator.According to CNET, in November, will be unlocked version devaysa.

Apple announced that the unlocked version of iPhone 4S will be available next month, which means that the owner will be able to choose for himself 

Unlocked iPhone 4S Available in Europe From November

what services the operator to take advantage of him.In some countries, the company started taking preorders for thecontract operator is free from the smartphone. Thus it became known that in the UK this iPhone 4S will cost 499 pounds about $ 773 for the 16 GB version, 599 pounds about $ 927 for the 32 GB version and 699 pounds about $ 1082 for the 64GB version.


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