Naked Pictures of iPhone 5 with Apple A5 Processor Exposed

Some days ago we have publish a Story about leaked  iPhone 5 design  by case-mate.Now a Story is hot that be the iPhone 5 has been Exposed naked with Apple A5 Processor , the most recent in a very series of what’s said to be element leaks for the upcoming smartphone.

The image, posted to Chinese website “Weibo”, shows a board section that differs in style from the sole public implementation of the A5, the iPad 2.

Naked Pictures of iPhone 5 with Apple A5 Processor Exposed

Opinions differ, however, on the component’s authenticity, significantly owing to the somewhat smudgy nature of the A-5 processor labeling itself. The board is believed to be from an iPhone prototype, and uses a unique battery to what’s within this iPhone 4; the present smartphone incorporates a one,420 mAh pack, however what are often seen of the battery next to the A-5 chipset suggests it’s 10 mAh a lot of.

It is unclear whether or not what appearance to be a white iPhone fascia to the left of the board is connected, and if therefore whether or not this might indeed be the iPhone 4S. The fourS is tipped to own a similar style because the iPhone 4, however upgrade the processor and are available in at a less expensive price-point, and a few recent rumors have urged Apple could also be forced to announce it earlier than the true iPhone five owing to production problems. a lot of details on that in our full iPhone five rumor roundup.

Source: [Weibo] via: [QWTnews]


Posted by on September 20, 2011. Filed under Apple, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.