“Google +” at Priority, Buzz and Other Services are Closed!

Google plus at Priority - Buzz and Other Services are ClosedGoogle makes it even more densely services, in order to concentrate on  Google + challenge to Facebook. The “fall cleaning” falls short message service including the Buzz are victim. It is a precursor to Google +, of the Internet group at that time because of a privacy carver brought a lot of trouble.

Company says that

Promising bought short messaging service, had led a shadow existence, but for a long time With iGoogle ability to personalize the Google search page, the “social” functions for networking with other users to be removed.

The message of these closures is very clear that Google + is the central network platform of the Internet Group. Google CEO Larry Page reiterated until a day before the submission of quarterly figures of the plan, Google + is at Priority among all services of the Group. The first summer in test mode service has launched a few weeks after opening for anyone around 40 million users. However, Facebook is still the number one online networks, currently with around 800 million members.

Also close Code Search , a specialized service that could be used to search the Web for open software code, and a program that could access some universities on the Google search engine.

Buzz was an earlier attempt, with Facebook and the short message service to compete with Twitter. Users could share short messages, photos, videos or links.When starting in February 2010, Google provided, however, a momentous breakdown. Buzz was constructed on the basis of Google’s mail service – and numerous e-mail contacts were automatically transferred to others and made ??visible.The consequences were user complaints and an investigation of American Authorities. This was only resolved when Google itself to regular independent inspections of dealing with privacy in the next 20 years, consented .

Google closed more than a dozen of his many services earlier this year. Co-founder Page had been on his return to the top management announced in the spring, he wanted to focus more on core areas of Google.



Posted by on October 17, 2011. Filed under Google, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.