FXI Cotton Candy: Dual Core Computer in USB Stick

Dual Core Computer in USB Stick with Portable Android Station

Is that a USB key in your pocket or a dual core computer? These days, Norwegian company FXI technologies showed off a USB stick sized move able laptop prototype, complete with a dual core 1.2-GHz Samsung Exynos ARM CPU [same as within the Galaxy S II], 802.11n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, HDMI out and a micro SD card slot for memory. Codenamed Cotton Candy as a result of its twenty one gram weight is that the same as a bag of the confection, the little computer allows what its inventor called it “Any-Screen-Computing,” the flexibility to show any TV, laptop, phone, tablet, or set-top box into a dumb terminal for its Android operating system.

The Cotton Candy includes a “USB a 2.o connector” on one finish and an HDMI jack on the opposite. When connected to an HDTV, it uses the HDMI port for video, the USB for power, and Bluetooth to attach to a keyboard, mouse, or tablet for controlling the operating system. The device will output up to 1080p thus even a full HD screen will show the Candy’s preloaded Android a 2.3 operating system at its native resolution. the twin core CPU is powerful enough to play native 1080p video or stream HD clips from the online.

When you plug the Cotton Candy into a Mac or laptop, the Windows or OS X operating system acknowledges it as a USB drive. You will be able to then launch the software and run the Cotton Candy’s Android setting during a secure window whereas you utilize your desktop OS outside the window. You will be able to even transfer files between your notebook’s native OS and therefore the Cotton Candy’s Android setting by dragging them off or on the USB stick’s memory.

We watched as FXI CEO Borgar Ljosland popped the Cotton Candy into his MacBook professional and, inside seconds, had the device’s Android OS running during a full screen window and, though we have a tendency to didn’t get to play with the device ourselves, we have a tendency to were impressed with how quickly it started up. Borgar told us that Android developers will use this setting to check out their apps whereas they work on code in another window.

Dual Core Computer in USB Stick with Portable Android Station-1

HD TVs, monitors, and computers are simply the tip of the iceberg for the “Cotton Candy”. Borgar told us the device are going to be ready to hook up with tablets, smartphones, and even set prime boxes via USB or Bluetooth. He says that he expects the device to be ready to flip even an iPhone or an iPad into a terminal for its atmosphere. Imagine an iPhone running Android!

Because the Cotton Candy could be a full fledged laptop, it ought to be ready to plug into a USB hub and connect on to a monitor, keyboard, and mouse to launch its OS. Offices or colleges might found out docking terminals to support users who carry it in their pockets.
Cotton Candy’s purpose is to produce a computing expertise that users will carry with them and replicate anywhere they’re going. Imagine walking into a web restaurant or a business center, popping your Cotton Candy into a USB port, and having your own operating system and applications take over the device.

Though this prototype runs Android 2.3, Borgar told us that the ARM based hardware will run Ubuntu Linux currently and future versions ought to be ready to run the ARM version of Windows eight. Future versions of the device can have a USB three connector and faster processors.

From developers to students to mobile staff, there are variety of teams that might realize innovative ways in which to use a laptop the scale of a USB stick. However, you would not see a shopper product shipping anytime soon from FXI. The corporate plans to sell the Cotton Candy to developers and let OEMs license the technology and switch it into one thing that may attractiveness to a good audience.

Borgar does not expect these future “any-screen” product to exchange your primary computer or smartphone, however says they may become well-liked secondary devices. With Ubuntu put in, the Cotton Candy will even be became a mobile file or net server!

FXI has not set pricing nonetheless for the Cotton Candy, however expects it to value significantly but $ 200 per unit. That is swell for a full fledged computing device the scale of a cigarette lighter.



Posted by on November 18, 2011. Filed under Innovation, News, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.