15 Technological Disasters in 2012

15 Technological Disasters in 2012 1

15: Love “bugs” of MC Obrah for Microsoft Surface

MC Oprah

Oprah, the host of the world famous talk show Twitter has shown a strong love for Microsoft Surface tablet because she thought it was a “Mercedes Benz”. But her post was sent from a … iPad make everyone understand the “love” of how she gave a major Surface. This action results led Microsoft to shame.

14: Reach Generator Application of Facebook death after only 6 months

On 1/3, Facebook held a monumental event in New York City to promote a new product called Reach Generator with increasing frequency function new brands to the user’s feed.Then six months later, Facebook has the death this product just because it is too complicated.

13: Blackberry 10 consecutive delay

RIM CEO Thorsten Heins

Products are considered tools for RIM to catch up with Apple and Samsung in the smartphone war seemed to be released in the spring. Then the product is announced is delayed to fall, finally, to the third quarter of next year. Is there a time delay anymore?

12: Apple ads beam super bad

Genious ungainly guy

Beam advertising extremely ungainly and boring Apple backfire with the image of a guy named Genius is responsible for technical support of Apple products. Do not know Apple has painstakingly edited and made them stars, but the result is … stoned fence fence

11: Application of Color is Death

Billy Nguyen, co-founder of Color Labs

Last year, Color also reached the top of the event shameful technology. In this, Color appearance again because of Apple’s sale for $ 7 million after $ 41 million. The company is involved in a lawsuit is extremely scandal.

10: John Browett Apple’s retail chain operating

John Browett

‘s First personnel change Tim Cook after sitting on chair and CEO of Apple was a fatal mistake. John Browett was from the Dixons, the electronics retail organization pretty sleazy in England. Once recruited, John has adopted strategies to cut working hours of employees to create profit for the store. Of course, that strategy did not benefit anything and Browett farewell to Apple after a few months.

9: Bomb attack spray Google Nexus Q

Nexus Q once praised as an innovative home entertainment products, but really it is nothing more than a mess. It’s bad that Google had secretly recorded before selling to customers

8: Zynga hole 100 million for buying faux game Draw Something

Draw Something each planet is the hottest mobile game earlier this year. Its success has induced Zynga spent $ 183 million in cash to buy back to her and then asking the bitter fruit.When the declining numbers of players no brakes, Zynga has to lower 85 – $ 95 million to sell after a few months of purchase.

7: War romance flashed copyright of Yahoo and Facebook

In the short time Scott Thompson power close at Yahoo, he has left an unforgettable mark in the heart of Silicon Valley residents when Facebook sued copyright infringement. The case eventually went nowhere, it is reasonable to in the mocking laughter of the residents technologies.

6: Nokia Lumia 900

Earlier this year Nokia and Microsoft has embarked on the largest mobile projects in the United States. And as a result no one wants to buy that product, Microsoft declined smartphone market share Nokia e closer to the door. Nokia is trying to salvage future products Lumia 920 but for what they seem to not get as bright.

5: Zynga issued shares for the first time

Zynga CEO: Mark Pincus

Zynga started to issue shares in the last 12 years and so dived no brakes. Stock declines, the user goes back, to the disturbance in the operating company.

4: Apple’s Maps application

The application map is actually one of the most shameful mark on Apple when the company’s CEO has apologized “at Apple, we’re always trying to create the world’s leading products to bring users the best experience. Applied last map is a word of promise. We apologize for this inconvenience and promised to do everything to improve it. “

3: Facebook shares fell nearly one half

First issuance of shares of Facebook had been expected to be one of the bright spots in the village technology. But the event became a star … flashed the stock price at 38USD but not accepted and fell dramatically in the next few months. Currently its share stable at $ 20 with the low aromatic investors aggressively bought last time.

2: Sean Parker at short airtime

Airtime each hopes will revive the hands of Sean Parker, former president of Facebook and founder of Napster. Then the company has plans to reform by offering video chat services through Facebook, but that did not come true intentions. Parker still have to work to dry to save this company.

1: Scandal of Scott Thompson

Scott Thompson

In January, Yahoo has caused a stir by announcing Scott Thompson to become CEO of the company. Then Dan Loeb continues to stir the technology world by revealing shocking secrets about Thompson misrepresentation of his qualifications. As a result, Thompson had to go without farewell and leave a stain in the history of Yahoo. The fact that more or less offset by the presence of female general Marissa Mayer, who is a lot of investor attention later.


Posted by on November 24, 2012. Filed under Articles, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.