McDonald’s launches fast-food TV channel

McDonald's launches fast-food TV channelMcDonald’s launches fast-food TV channel the company’s management McDonald’s hopes that visitors will be thematic channels to spend more time in their institutions  today 70% of customers prefer not to sit up and snack on the go.

Already in the next couple of months to start broadcasting channel 800 restaurants network in Southern and Central California.Schedule will include reality shows, news block from the BBC, movie trailers and other entertainment content, which will be different for different regions. Provides space for advertising  promorolikam allotted 8 minutes per hour, including advertising of the restaurant only takes a minute and a half. Customers who do not want to watch the channel will have a snack in the so called quiet zones, but such places would not be more than a third of the total.

The motivation of top managers McDonald’s understandable, but the absorption of food in front of TV is bad for your health. It is noticed that in such cases, people eat a third more than that, combined with fast-food menu itself is fraught with serious problems with being overweight.


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