How I Believe that Sniffer Dogs Can Detect Lung Cancer ?

Lung Cancer Can Be Detect by sniffer dogs The second most frequent type of cancer in men and women in  the world is “Lung cancer ”  and  it  causes large number of deaths .

Over 340,000 deaths per year claims due to lung cancer all over the world.

According to  analysis , sniffer dogs could also be used for the first detection of “lung cancer”, Researchers from the” Schillerhoehe Hospital” in Germany were the first who discover that sniffer dogs can detect lung cancer.

Author of the study Thorsten Walles, , from the Schillerhoehe Hospital said

In a  statement,

“In the breath of patients with lung cancer, there are likely to be different chemicals to normal breath samples and the dogs’ keen sense of smell can detect this difference at an early stage of the disease. Our results confirm the presence of a stable marker for lung cancer. This is a big step forward in the diagnosis of lung cancer, but we still need to precisely identify the compounds observed in the exhaled breath of patients. It is unfortunate that dogs cannot communicate the biochemistry of the scent of cancer!”

Lung cancer does not reveal any symptoms and the result of current ways of  detections  are unreliable though many  different technological programs are developed but this method create many troubles to use in clinical settings for these reasons it could be a very helpful research in medical.


Posted by on September 16, 2011. Filed under Health. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.