Books for Children Better than Tablet Computers

According to experts, involves the use of tablet computers in early childhood education pitfalls: Instead of encouraging learning, the machine learning WOULD retardant. Cause is the lack of emotional attachment.

Books for Children Better than Tablet Computers 1

The use of tablet computers, according to expert estimates,  slow down the development of learning in young children. 

“Early learning processes always work on emotion, a picture book about a child can more quickly build a personal relationship as a tablet computer,” said neuroscientist Gerald Huether. 

Tablet PC, such as the iPad, computer, controlled by touching the screen surface.

The picture book stand for a single closed story that will be read by a person with whom the child has a close bond, led from the neurobiologist. 

“This also invites the subject to emotional and learning process is accelerated,”

he added.

“The tablet computer on the other hand is a device where you can get all sorts in which, in addition to a storybook 25 other stored – which can be confusing for the child, because the device is not a story.” This makes it harder to build an emotional bond.

The leaves in the picture book is more complex

Learning retardant could also impact that the tablet computer is controlled solely by touching the screen. In a picture book on the other hand a child could turn pages. 

“That leaves a complicated activity and helps the child to coordinate his movements better, it captures complex movement patterns,” added Huether.

Keep a toddler from the digital media as long as possible, the brain scientist holds however is wrong.

 “They are primarily tools, it would be absurd to deny the  children.”

Tablet PC prevents regulating emotions

Dangerous it was, but when they used the device for regulating their emotions, warned the neurobiologist.

“Since you have frustration or boredom, and do not know how to deal with the feeling – then resorted to the media to get rid of this feeling.”

If a tablet computer would be used to learn the child is not even how to regulate these negative emotions alone. And could in the worst case cause it is dependent on the medium, said Huether.

He is a professor of neurobiology at the Psychiatric Clinic of the University of Gottingen and the author of numerous books, including writing about the giftedness of children.


Posted by on November 9, 2012. Filed under Articles, Health, Life Style. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.