Talk with “Cleverbot”: A Computer With Artificial Intelligence

CleverbotA computer with artificial intelligence “Cleverbot“, by Rollo Carpenter went fine Turing test.

It is able to hold a conversation with the volunteers so that 59% of them could not distinguish it from the man.

Turing test, invented in the 50s by Alan Turing (Alan Turing), a British computer expert, is to keep a written conversation with people as if they are human. In this case, to complicate matters, the test was attended by people pretending to “chat bots”.

As he explains Rollo Carpenter, based on an algorithm “Cleverbot” is something like speaking Wikipedia. Since 1997, when Cleverbot appeared on the Internet, he spent on the site about 65 million interviews with Internet users around the world. And during those conversations Cleverbot just as people learned what to say in different situations with people from different social groups. All interviews conducted supplement computer database, so the more he talked, the more answers to similar questions had accumulated. Accordingly, the “humane” will eventually become his answers. Also, the computer whenever the answer keeps track of all phrases printed in the current call to choose the best answer.

So it continues to grow wiser “Cleverbot” itself has no direct involvement in this creator.When reporters asked Cleverbot, as he, he replied: “Actually, I do not believe that can be” smarter. ” You can find out more, but we can become more intelligent. “

Extracts from volunteers’ conversations at the event.

Cleverbot: I am happy.
The Mayor: So am I.
Cleverbot: What are you?
The Mayor: I am a Mayor.
Cleverbot: You’re a woman aren’t you?
The Mayor: Yes, are you?
Cleverbot: No. Are you human?
The Mayor: Yes, don’t you think so?
Cleverbot: YES!
The Mayor: What are you?
Cleverbot: Human.
The Mayor: What did you have for lunch today?
Cleverbot: Didn’t eat.
The Mayor: I had a very thick soup.
Cleverbot: So?
The Mayor: It was almost delicious.

Below are Links, which can be directly over the Internet to communicate with artificial intelligence: ,


Posted by on September 9, 2011. Filed under IT, Software. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.