Synaptics Trackpad Multi-Touch Gestures for Windows 8

Synaptics Trackpad Multi-Touch Gestures for Windows 8The next version of Windows is still several months away from publication. But for the developers of software and hardware is ticking the time to make their projects ready to go. Now the well-known manufacturer Synaptics trackpad shows in a video, such as multi-touch gestures will look like under Windows 8.

Already during the presentation of the Developer Preview Windows 8 could be seen easily as possible on the trackpad gestures might work on Windows 8th Eventually, even the first time with Windows 8 coming a usable tablet support for Windows.

The video of Synaptics shows how you can interact with the various elements of the screen. Simply put, the touchpad is reflected back to the screen. Due to the relatively small touchpad, however, it can quickly become difficult with this type of interaction is the correct elements of the desktop to catch your fingers. At Apple, the touch-pad gestures for some time standard, but were only with OS X Lion to a core component of the operating system. Apple has not decided, however, to reflect the 1:1 screen on the touch pad. Instead, there are certain gestures that have predefined functions. Microsoft’s direct manipulation of screen content is very similar to that using a Windows-8-tablet , with the difference that you have just your fingers between the display and touchpad.


We are anxious to tease out what the manufacturers of this technology. Synaptics intends to Windows 8 gestures demonstrate later this week on the Microsoft Ecosystem Summit in Taiwan. What you say about using multi-touch gestures on your PC or notebook? Do you use the capabilities of the trackpad at all or did you always have a mouse here? Post your opinion in the Comments!


Posted by on November 9, 2011. Filed under Articles, IT, Software. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.