Cataracts Diagnoses Through Smartphone Attachment .

Cataracts Diagnoses Through Smartphone Attachment .A cataract is a term used for a clouding that develops within the crystalline lens of the attention or in its envelope, varying in degree from slight to complete opacity and obstructing the passage of sunshine.

Researchers at MIT’s Media Lab have created a smartphone attachment referred to as Catra that may diagnose cataracts in an exceedingly matter of minutes. The screening tool is currently being tested on subjects.

Catra clips on to devices like phones and iPods, and scans the lens of the attention to form a map of the position, size, form and density of cataracts. “I wish to think about this as a radar for the human eye,” says Ramesh Raskar, director of the MIT Media Lab’s Camera Culture cluster.

The device is capable of studying changes in components of the lens that haven’t nonetheless become opaque, and so ready to detect cataracts at an earlier stage than customary tests.

Media Lab researchers hope Catra’s portability can enable physicians and self-testers higher diagnose cataracts, particularly in developing nations. Ultimately, Catra’s purpose is to decrease the cases of preventable blindness.

MIT’s Media Lab is functioning on a series of comes around eye care. It developed and released Netra, an application and smartphone attachment for eye exams via itinerant, last year.


Posted by on July 7, 2011. Filed under Hardware. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.