“Creative Destruction” : A Potential Threat for The World

Creative Destruction - A Potential Threat for The World

By reducing the start up prices within the field of IT-technologies and also the expanding market of on line services, we have a very world economy.

Companies in all industries ought to remember that the upcoming “soft revolution”. This additionally applies to those industries that were originally in-built software. Major developers like Oracle and Microsoft, are increasingly in danger of losing relevance with the arrival of latest software solutions like Salesforce.com and Android (especially after you think about that Google has acquired one in all the leading itinerant makers – Motorola)


 In the next 10 years, the battle between ancient software firms and also the armed “Aggressors” would reach the grand scale. This situation is termed as “Creative Destruction”.

 After quite ten years once the dot-com boom, the height of the Nineties, a dozen new fast-growing web firms like Facebook and Twitter turn out totally different attitudes in Silicon Valley. Whereas the reminiscence of the crisis is just too sturdy, investors are wondering, isn’t this speedy growth with the successful IPO a dangerous new bubble?

Marc Andreessen, co founder of a venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, that makes a speciality of IT, takes a distinct position:

We believe that several new web firms known to supply highly profitable real wealthy business with sensible growth.

By reducing the start-up prices within the field of IT Technologies and also the expanding market of on line services, we have a very world economy.


Posted by on October 2, 2011. Filed under Hardware, IT, Software. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.