Lady Gaga Was Found Dead in Hotel Room?- Facebook ..

Lady Gaga Was Found Dead in Hotel Room?- Facebook ..A new Facebook scam claims that  Gaga was found dead in her hotel area so as to lure users to surveys and trick them into spamming their friends.

According to security researchers from Sophos, the spam messages unfold by victims read:

BREAKING: Lady Gaga Found Dead in Hotel Room This is the most awful day in US history.

Clicking on the link takes users to an external page that spoofs the BBC News site and appears to contain an embedded video.

Clicking on the video in an endeavor to start out taking part in it’ll lead to the press being hijacked and used to love the page and share the aforementioned message.

This is achieved through an attack technique referred to as clickjacking that abuses legit programming strategies to cover and overlap buttons so users are tricked concerning what action they’re on the point of perform.

Following the clickjacking, users are asked to finish one among many surveys that earn scammers commission cash and will lead to important prices to them.

Clickjacking techniques have long been employed in Facebook scams. the corporate has even developed a mechanism to detect such attacks and prompt for extra confirmation, however to date this has been ineffective.

Scammers typically cash in on celebrity deaths. This has recently happened with Ryan Dunn and Amy Winehouse. However, sometimes they may launch faux death rumors like currently.

Graham Cluley, a senior technology consultant at Sophos advises

If you’ve been hit by a scam like this, remove the messages and likes from your Facebook page – and warn your friends not to click on the offending links

he concludes.

Clearly there’s much more work which needs to be done by Facebook to prevent these sorts of messages spreading so rapidly.



Posted by on August 6, 2011. Filed under Entertainment, Hollywood. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.